Modern boilers for economy

According to Directives 2009/125/EC on “Ecological Design” “Ecodesign”, Directive 2010/30/EU on “Energy Labeling” and EU Regulations 811, 812,813, 814/2013 of the European Commission, Ecological Design and Energy Labeling were defined Labeling of energy consuming products. This was carried out simultaneously throughout the EU. and is applied from 1/08/2015 with the replacement of the integrated circulators of the devices by the corresponding high energy efficiency circulators and from 26/09/2015 it is applied for heating and hot water production products.

The main reason for the implementation of the ErP “Energy Related Products” Directive is climate change and the need to reduce CO2 emissions and other gases responsible for climate change. With the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, specific goals were set for the reduction of CO2 emissions, the promotion of RES. and energy saving. Just two months later, the 27 heads of state and government committed to these goals, known as the 20-20-20 goals. The main purpose of the Directive is to simplify the choice of the most energy-efficient product, so that CO2 emissions are reduced and energy costs are reduced.

Published On: December 13th, 2016Categories: Μη κατηγοριοποιημένο


Modern boilers for economy

According to Directives 2009/125/EC on “Ecological Design” “Ecodesign”, Directive 2010/30/EU on “Energy Labeling” and EU Regulations 811, 812,813, 814/2013 of the European Commission, Ecological Design and Energy Labeling were defined Labeling of energy consuming products. This was carried out simultaneously throughout the EU. and is applied from 1/08/2015 with the replacement of the integrated circulators of the devices by the corresponding high energy efficiency circulators and from 26/09/2015 it is applied for heating and hot water production products.

The main reason for the implementation of the ErP “Energy Related Products” Directive is climate change and the need to reduce CO2 emissions and other gases responsible for climate change. With the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, specific goals were set for the reduction of CO2 emissions, the promotion of RES. and energy saving. Just two months later, the 27 heads of state and government committed to these goals, known as the 20-20-20 goals. The main purpose of the Directive is to simplify the choice of the most energy-efficient product, so that CO2 emissions are reduced and energy costs are reduced.

Published On: December 13th, 2016Categories: Μη κατηγοριοποιημένο


Modern boilers for economy

According to Directives 2009/125/EC on “Ecological Design” “Ecodesign”, Directive 2010/30/EU on “Energy Labeling” and EU Regulations 811, 812,813, 814/2013 of the European Commission, Ecological Design and Energy Labeling were defined Labeling of energy consuming products. This was carried out simultaneously throughout the EU. and is applied from 1/08/2015 with the replacement of the integrated circulators of the devices by the corresponding high energy efficiency circulators and from 26/09/2015 it is applied for heating and hot water production products.

The main reason for the implementation of the ErP “Energy Related Products” Directive is climate change and the need to reduce CO2 emissions and other gases responsible for climate change. With the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, specific goals were set for the reduction of CO2 emissions, the promotion of RES. and energy saving. Just two months later, the 27 heads of state and government committed to these goals, known as the 20-20-20 goals. The main purpose of the Directive is to simplify the choice of the most energy-efficient product, so that CO2 emissions are reduced and energy costs are reduced.

Published On: December 13th, 2016Categories: Μη κατηγοριοποιημένο
