Participation in the “More than Green – DGNB” Conference

Within the framework of the Building Green Expo and DOMOTEC 2017 exhibition, SBC Greece is organizing on Saturday, April 8, at the METROPOLITAN EXPO, a conference with the aim of presenting the DGNB system for the certification of Sustainable buildings and urban areas.

The day will be opened by Pantelis Levantis, President of SBC Greece, with a greeting and he will present SBC Greece and the importance of international partnerships.

Then, in a diverse panel, Dr. Lemaitre Christine, Managing Director at the DGNB German Sustainable Building Council and Dimitrios Managoudis, member of the International Board DGNB and DGNB Consultant, Director SBC Greece and responsible for cooperation between SBC Greece and the DGNB German Sustainable Building Council, will approach the theme of the conference “More than Green – DGNB The Holistic Certification System for Sustainable Buildings” from the perspective of Germany and Greece respectively.

Published On: March 29th, 2017Categories: Μη κατηγοριοποιημένο


Participation in the “More than Green – DGNB” Conference

Within the framework of the Building Green Expo and DOMOTEC 2017 exhibition, SBC Greece is organizing on Saturday, April 8, at the METROPOLITAN EXPO, a conference with the aim of presenting the DGNB system for the certification of Sustainable buildings and urban areas.

The day will be opened by Pantelis Levantis, President of SBC Greece, with a greeting and he will present SBC Greece and the importance of international partnerships.

Then, in a diverse panel, Dr. Lemaitre Christine, Managing Director at the DGNB German Sustainable Building Council and Dimitrios Managoudis, member of the International Board DGNB and DGNB Consultant, Director SBC Greece and responsible for cooperation between SBC Greece and the DGNB German Sustainable Building Council, will approach the theme of the conference “More than Green – DGNB The Holistic Certification System for Sustainable Buildings” from the perspective of Germany and Greece respectively.

Published On: March 29th, 2017Categories: Μη κατηγοριοποιημένο


Participation in the “More than Green – DGNB” Conference

Within the framework of the Building Green Expo and DOMOTEC 2017 exhibition, SBC Greece is organizing on Saturday, April 8, at the METROPOLITAN EXPO, a conference with the aim of presenting the DGNB system for the certification of Sustainable buildings and urban areas.

The day will be opened by Pantelis Levantis, President of SBC Greece, with a greeting and he will present SBC Greece and the importance of international partnerships.

Then, in a diverse panel, Dr. Lemaitre Christine, Managing Director at the DGNB German Sustainable Building Council and Dimitrios Managoudis, member of the International Board DGNB and DGNB Consultant, Director SBC Greece and responsible for cooperation between SBC Greece and the DGNB German Sustainable Building Council, will approach the theme of the conference “More than Green – DGNB The Holistic Certification System for Sustainable Buildings” from the perspective of Germany and Greece respectively.

Published On: March 29th, 2017Categories: Μη κατηγοριοποιημένο
